Most hiring managers realize the importance of screening their job applicants. Not doing so can expose a company to several potentially-disastrous problems. For an exhaustive background check, you should rely upon an experienced service. That being said, there are a few screening techniques that you can do on your own. In today’s post, I’ll give you 3 things you can do right now to screen your job candidates.
#1 – Examine the Employment Application
When an applicant has a shady past they usually “enhance” their employment application to make them look better. By thoroughly examining the employment application you can find signs that the applicant may not be what they appear to be. For example…if an applicant was fired from a previous job they may leave that job off the application leaving a gap in employment. They may also change dates of employment to cover this gap. If they have a criminal history they may leave the criminal question blank. The time it takes to thoroughly examine an employment application is time well spent.
#2 – Use the Interview to Screen
During the interview advise applicants that the company will perform a background check. Ask the applicant what information will come up during the background check. Applicants with a “shady past” may either reveal something or withdraw from the employment process.
#3 – Call Past Employers
Many human resources personnel neglect to call each of the employers listed on an application or resume. Or, if the initial call isn’t returned, they fail to follow up. That can be an explosive mistake. While past employers are limited with regard to the information they can provide others about a former employee, their insight can still be invaluable.
Kickstarting Your Screening Process
Once you’re ready to bring a new employee onboard, you’ll want to have an exhaustive background check completed. Before you reach that decision, there’s plenty you can do to weed out undesirable job candidates. By thoroughly examining employment applications, asking about background issues during the interview and calling past employers, you can often disqualify many candidates. That will save you time and effort, allowing you to focus your attention on the best candidates.